12 Top Doggy Travel Tips straight from the Hound’s Mouth!

Krakens Dog House

I’m very excited as it’s nearly time for my ‘holidogs’. My humans have been talking dog-friendly destinations so I wanted to make sure they put my needs first! Remember it’s my holiday too!

1. How dog-friendly is our destination? Can you ask if I am allowed in the bedroom/restaurant/can run riot round the garden and poop in peace? Do they love larger dogs like me or only like little ones?

2. Please plan ahead. If you are going out, are there dog-friendly pubs or restaurants we can go to? Importantly do they have treats on the bar?

3. If your humans dare leave you behind at the self-catering cottage or hotel room, is it safe for them to do so? We don’t want anyone letting me out by mistake (if they do, check the kitchen first)!

4. Is there a vet near to where you are staying? Paws crossed you won’t need to visit one, but best to be on the safe side.

5. Because I can’t write (yet) can you please make a list of all the things I need to take (treats, toys, food, lead, medication etc). I don’t want to arrive and find you’ve left my dinner behind.

6. Am I okay on long journeys? Am I happy in the car or even on a ferry? I don’t want to risk vomiting in the car or my ‘holidog’ days are over!

7. Arrive at a sensible time, ideally after breakfast and before dinner. Also, I would like settling in time and be taken for a nice walk to run off some excess energy. Don’t be disappearing off out without me on the first night, trust me I won’t like it.

8. Try and feed me at my usual times and keep to my bedtime routine as this will help me settle. If I am feeling anxious I can be a bit more naughty.

9. If you don’t know the area, then neither will I. There could be unexpected dangers such as fast-flowing rivers, tin mines, crumbling cliffs. I don’t want to be the voice of doom and put you off taking me all together, I’m just saying be careful.

10. Swimming pools have straight sides, so if we go somewhere that has one, treat me like you would a small child. Once I am in, I will find it very difficult to get out. Remember I mean the world to you. Just saying.

11. Are my flea, wormers and vaccinations up to date? I don’t want to end up unwell thank you very much.

12. It is worth having a new tag made for my collar with a mobile number and the address of where we are staying just in case I get lost and we can be reunited.

With all this covered we will have a lovely ‘holidog’ and can return home with some lovely memories. ‘Happy Holidogs’!

Brave Thinking